Town Of Whitestown

Whitestown Town Court

Vielitza Rodriguez (

1 Championship Way
Whitesboro, NY 13492
Judge Appler 315 736-0564 Judge Little 315 736-1251
Judge Appler 315-736-0430 Judge Little 315 736 0459
Hours of Operation:

Court is held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 5:00 PM (Except holidays).


The hours of the court clerk are variable. If you need to conduct business with the court outside of scheduled court sessions, email the clerk at or call and leave a message.



It is not advisable to show up for a court session if you are not scheduled to appear. Your wait could be several hours.

Daniel Appler ()
Town Justice
Phone: 315 736-0564
Troy Little ()
Town Justice
Phone: 315 736 1251
Where is Court Held?


The town court is held in the Whitestown Community Center Building at 1 Championship Way in Whitesboro.  Championship Way is the name of the entrance to the community center which is located on Westmoreland Road.


The court's entrance is on the north side of the building with a separate entrance and parking lot.   The court cannot be accessed through the community center portion of the building or the Ice Arena.  Use designated entrance only.


From Utica travel to Oriskany Blvd (Route 69). Then turn left on Westmoreland Street which becomes Westmoreland Road at the town line.  The court will be on the right just past the traffic light at the corner of Judd Road  (Route 840) and Westmoreland Road.


Traveling from Rome on Route 69 proceed to the corner of Westmoreland St. and Oriskany Blvd, turn right, and follow the same directions.


Also, from Rome via Route 233, turn left on Sutliff Road which becomes Judd Road at the Airport Road intersection, and continue to the intersection of Westmoreland Road.  Take a right on Westmoreland at the traffic light and the court is a short distance on your right.


From Route 49 turn right at the light at Mohawk Street in Marcy. Proceed to the second traffic light (Oriskany Blvd) turn right at the next intersection and take left up Westmoreland Street.  At the next traffic light (Judd Road) continue straight and court will be on your right.

How do I pay my fine?

You can pay online by visiting or mailing in your fine notice with cash, money order, or credit/debit card information. Personal checks are not accepted. Partial payments are not accepted through the online payment system.

What are the business hours on court days?

Court Clerks are available Monday through Friday, 9 AM - 1 PM.

Court business is conducted between 5 - 7 PM on court days.

I just want to mail in the ticket and pay the fine. What is the process?

Follow the procedures written on the ticket. You must enter a guilty plea and mail in the ticket. There are no set fines in New York State, so we will contact you regarding the amount of your fine.

I don't know whether I am to appear in Village or Town Court. Can I appear in either?

Village and town courts are two totally different courts. You must appear in the court listed on your ticket. It will state the Town of Whitestown or the Village of Whitesboro. The two courts have nothing to do with each other and you must appear in or respond to the proper court.

What if I can not read my ticket as to date or court?

Immediately contact the police agency that issued the ticket. They will gladly advise you as to the proper date and court.

What if I disagree with the charges on the ticket?

The court is the judicial branch that interprets the law. Show up at the scheduled time and date to plead your case. Your options will then be explained.

How do I know if I need an attorney?

If you are unsure of the charges or how to proceed then you may need to consult an attorney. However, this is an individual decision.

Can I reschedule the time and day of my appearance if I am working or out of town?

If you are charged with a violation, you may plea by mail therefore avoiding the necessity to appear in person on the given date and time. However, if you are charged with a misdemeanor you must appear in person on the given day and time.

What is the limit for a small claim?

To file a small claim in civil court it must involve no more than $3000 in damages.

Can I file a small claim in any court?

No, the small claim action must be filed in the court that has jurisdiction where the defendant lives or works.


What do I need to file a small claim?

Court clerks are available by appointment only. Please bring the $10 filing fee and the Name and address of the person whom you are serving. For detailed information visit: