Town Of Whitestown

Finance Office

Lisa M. Langdon

8539 Clark Mills Rd
Whitesboro, NY 13492
315 736-1131
315 736-0378

Under the jurisdiction of the Chief Fiscal Officer, the Town Supervisor, this office handles all incoming and outgoing funds for the Town. Financial recording, reporting and analysis are key areas of concern for this department.

Lisa M. Langdon is responsible for the recording of all financial transactions in the 26 separate funds within our town and the several capital projects currently underway.

New York State Finance Law governs the use of separate funds and the guidelines for the recording and reporting of these funds.

Each year an annual budget is prepared by a co-ordinated effort of the Town Supervisor, Town Board, and Finance personnel. The process begins by collecting the data from the departments, the Town Board and Finance personnel for inclusion in the upcoming budget. After much analysis by the Town Board, Town Supervisor and Finance personnel, the budget is then finalized and presented for public comment. The budget process begins in July and concludes with its adoption in November.

The Finance Office also serves as the Town Payroll Office. With over 100 employees the process is on-going for our Senior Clerk, Debbie Sendzuk. Hourly employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis while salaried administrative positions are paid monthly. The annual payroll exceeds $2,000,000.


The Finance Office also arranges for financing of projects and co-ordinates with Bond Counsel and our financial consultants for future improvements. Many studies and evaluations of current contracts and policies are done annually to not only cut spending but to improve revenues. Our Town Board recognizes the need to increase revenues through other sources than taxation.

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts Payable
  • Payroll
  • Financial Reporting and Analysis
  • Annual Budget
  • Programs/Activities:

    Hours of Operation:
    9:00 AM to 5:00 PM