Town Of Whitestown
 Real Property 

Real Property Search

Enter criteria in any of the following fields to limit your search. The search will return properties that meet all of the criteria entered in this form when the Search button is clicked. Each additional field narrows the results. This means that properties that meet some, but not all, of the criteria will not display.

There are three types of fields in this form:

  • Fuzzy field – the search results will include properties where the information in this field matches the specified data anywhere in the field. For example, entering 'jos' will return Joseph and Banjos.
  • Range field – the search results will include all properties where the information in this field is within the range specified. Enter the smallest number and largest number, separated by a dash. For example, '10000 – 30000' will return all available numbers between 10000 and 30000.
  • Limited field – there are a limited number of choices for the information in this field, and so, a pull down is supplied from which to choose one of them. The search results will include properties where the specified data matches the data in the field.

Basic Property Information:
(Try entering the first few letters of last name.)
(Range - in sq. ft.)
(Full or partial ID)
Recent Sales:
Advanced Property Fields:
Advanced Building Fields: